Friday, February 11, 2011

At Least The Sun Is Out

I know that when it is 20 degrees below zero and we are forced to wear layers upon layers of clothing just to stay warm to walk a block that the phrase, "at least the sun is out" doesn't exactly make us feel any better but... there could be alternative ways to look at it.  We all know that when it's freezing outside a little sun isn't going to make us feel that much better, however if we take into consideration that things could be a lot worse than maybe, just maybe that warm ray of light shining through the gray clouds could do a little something for us.  Every morning on my train ride downtown I take a look at the people around me.  Most of my fellow train riders are trying not to smile or look at anyone around them because God forbid we show kindness to eachother at 8:00 in the morning.  Instead of spending my twenty minute commute with a smug look on my face I let the smile through and try to think of the moments ahead of me that day I can look forward to.  There are people living in the same city as I do who do not have the luxury of waking up in a warm bed next to a fiance who thinks the world of them, they don't have a refrigerator stocked with food, or even shoes on their feet so why should I get to complain and be unhappy?  I know for some I may be sounding to optimistic or chipper for the middle of winter and don't get me wrong, I have days when I wish I wouldn't have had to get out of bed.  But just when I think my day is going awful I think about the woman with no home asking for money on the corner who always has a friendly tone in her voice and smile on her face.  If she can embrace the sun despite cold then why can't I?  Think about it...

Sidenote: As I finished writing this post I looked outside and saw that it had started snowing...again!  But I think I see the sun ;)

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