Monday, February 28, 2011

Change is a good thing

I recently read a posting in a friend's blog which talked about making your own horoscope, taking chances and how we are in control of our lives.  This is so true!  I am in the midst of a lot of changes in my own life right now.  In about 4 months I will be getting married, my fiance and I just bought our first car which was a big step in adulthood for us, and we are looking at new opportunities that would affect where we live, work and force us to make some big decisions.  Although there could be some big changes coming our way, I have no doubt that we will make the right choices and that everything will work out for the best.  Change can be a scary thing to go through but I believe that it is a necessary and unavoidable part of life.  Change is what makes life an adventure. 

Recently Donny & I had to spend 2 days at an Engagement Encounter weekend where we discussed how married life would be, took a deeper look into ourselves and our relationship and evaluated the way in which we would handle whatever life through at us.  During those 30 some hours at this retreat my eyes were opened a little wider and not just about what it means to be married and share a life with someone, but while I listened to everything the other couples had been through, I realized that life presents us with all sorts of surprises.  Some of those may be good, some bad, challenging or scary but in the end if we have faith and are willing to lsiten to each other and look within ourselves then everything will turn out just fine.  I am very lucky to be able to say that the man I am marrying will be at my side forever and I know we will have a wonderful and full life together. 

Maybe you know exactly what you want to do in life or maybe you have no clue and feel like your a needle on a compass that can't just point in one direction, regardless, having faith in yourself and being open to change will get you through any situation.  Whenever I start to think that life is getting hard or I am just fed up with some things, I think about the woman I see begging for money on the street corner or the people in the news who went from hard times to on top of the world.  I just tell myself, look at them.  They made it through and so can I considering my life is no where near as hard as theirs.  Just BELIEVE.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Day of Love

I am glowing today...for more than one reason.  For starters, I woke up to the man I love more than anything and who I get to marry in 5 months.  I also woke up determined to start making my dreams come true.  I have found a few children's book publishers who are accepting submissions.  My goal is to have tweaked anything needed to the first few pages of my children's book and to complete the story and send it off to each publisher.  I may not hear anything or they may want to pick up the story never know unless you try!  I have also decided to enroll in the home study program for the Association of Certified Professional Wedding Consultants.  I will complete a 3 month course in which I will learn everything necessary to become a certified wedding consultant.  The course is designed to teach me everything from accounting know-how when owning your own business to creating a beautiful and successful wedding consulting business.  I cannot wait!!  I know I will complete it in the 3 months and with an A!  It's time to start living my dreams.  While I continue working on my dreams, I get to go home to one dream that has already come true...the love of my life <3 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Enough Talking Already!

This is my "Giraffe in Outerspace" - aka what goes on inside my head!

Today I spent the last hour or so of my free time at work sketching how I imagined my Giraffe in Outerspace to look. I couldn't believe how easily the pencial sketched.  When I was done, I used Photoshop to fill in the colors and ta-da my giraffe...better than I ever thought!  I know it's no Picasso but I do have a lot of ideas for this picture and what it can amount to as well as what it will stand for - for me and others.  None of this should make sense to you since I am rambling about my own ideas.  That rambling is exactly what I am done doing.  As my fiance always tells me, I have all of these ideas that could really work and make me so happy but I haven't done anything about them.  Granted a few of the ideas requires more funds than I have and would possibly require us to relocate but I do have some dreams and ideas that can happen - NOW!  I started this blog today because I decided I needed a creative outlet and somewhere to leave my thoughts as they came to me and perhaps, in turn, inspire some people along the way.  Tonight I have decided this blog will still serve that purpose but it will also be a roadmap for me on my way to achieving my dreams.  Okay, I'm done talking...time to get to work!!

At Least The Sun Is Out

I know that when it is 20 degrees below zero and we are forced to wear layers upon layers of clothing just to stay warm to walk a block that the phrase, "at least the sun is out" doesn't exactly make us feel any better but... there could be alternative ways to look at it.  We all know that when it's freezing outside a little sun isn't going to make us feel that much better, however if we take into consideration that things could be a lot worse than maybe, just maybe that warm ray of light shining through the gray clouds could do a little something for us.  Every morning on my train ride downtown I take a look at the people around me.  Most of my fellow train riders are trying not to smile or look at anyone around them because God forbid we show kindness to eachother at 8:00 in the morning.  Instead of spending my twenty minute commute with a smug look on my face I let the smile through and try to think of the moments ahead of me that day I can look forward to.  There are people living in the same city as I do who do not have the luxury of waking up in a warm bed next to a fiance who thinks the world of them, they don't have a refrigerator stocked with food, or even shoes on their feet so why should I get to complain and be unhappy?  I know for some I may be sounding to optimistic or chipper for the middle of winter and don't get me wrong, I have days when I wish I wouldn't have had to get out of bed.  But just when I think my day is going awful I think about the woman with no home asking for money on the corner who always has a friendly tone in her voice and smile on her face.  If she can embrace the sun despite cold then why can't I?  Think about it...

Sidenote: As I finished writing this post I looked outside and saw that it had started snowing...again!  But I think I see the sun ;)